“To Whom it May Concern, I would like to take a moment to share my experiences with Dr. Darryl Brown. We heard about Dr. Darryl from Helen Sutton, owner of a large rescue shelter called Last Chance Ranch. Helen highly recommended Darryl in regards to his kindness, service and reasonable fees. A few weeks ago, we adopted two rescue dogs from Helen – both shih tzus. One is totally blind, the other partially blind. Dr. Darryl came to our home in his truck, equipped with a scale and many other vet-related items. Once he started to examine the dogs, he did so with the utmost gentleness, and was very aware of their sensitivities. He spent a long time with each pet in the exam, and answered all of our questions that fell within the context of general veterinary medicine. Any questions that he could not answer, that involved deeper knowledge of optical issues, he said he would inquire about with the specialist, and he gave us her name as well to follow up with. He also set us up with a wonderful mobile groomer, Mrs. Gwendolyn Allen, who we were extremely pleased with. On his second visit, Dr. Brown brought all of the pet meds that we needed to continue care. Because BOTH pets are going to require daily eye care, he helped show me how to administer the drops most effectively. He will be coming again in a few weeks to transport both pets to and from a dental cleaning appointments, which would require sedation, something that he only does in the clinic he works with. I would not hesitate to highly recommend Dr. Brown. He is in fact kindhearted, quite knowledgeable, and desires to help both pet and owner in the best way he can.”
– Sharon B. G.
“Dr. Brown, I never got a chance to tell you how wonderful you were yesterday. The compassion you showed on the phone made me instantly trusting of you, and I was so pleased to find that you were even more understanding in person. Although it was such a horrible experience to lose someone so close to our family, you gave peace and dignity to Fezzik in his hardest moments, and for that, you will remain in my prayers for a lifetime. You were amazing to my family as well, and it really meant a lot to all of us!!! I’m so sorry though, I didn’t realize you were in the house when I told the boys to quit laughing, for some reason I thought they were just joking at the worst possible time. They told me later that even the simple gesture of small talk was VERY comforting and so very needed at that moment. Please know that what you do for others is so very valuable in a way that will touch lives forever. Please take care and may you be Blessed in everything you do!!!”
– Denise L.
“Dear Dr. Brown, I own an American Bulldog who is 2 1/2 years old now. When he was 7 months old he was very badly injured by a someone who had slashed his neck. My poor dog ended up in emergency vetinary care clinic, where they had to staple his neck to close the 2 huge wounds he has sustained, with almost 30 staples. After the incident he was never the same and developed fear aggressiveness. He does not trust any body, except the people he already knows. I started searching for a vet who would take on his case. One day while I was at Petco I started talking to a lady who worked there. She told me about a Vet she used to work with and told me that if anybody could, he could handle and treat my dog. I decided to try him, and made an appointment to have him neutered and to get his annual shots. When I got there I was led into a seperate room to wait for the Doctor. When the doctor came in Big Boy started throwing a fit like he usually does. But Dr. Brown did not back down or show any fear, and we started talking about his case. He then explained to me what was going on in Big Boy’s mind. I stayed with him in the room for a few minutes, after which the Dr. asked me to leave the room. I was thinking, OH NO, but he said it was alright. I was sat in the waiting room for a few minutes and then Dr. Brown called me back in the room. I went inside, saw my dog, who weighs 100 pounds now, passively sitting on the scale. He was still upset but nothing like he was when we first walked in to the place. Dr. Brown started to give him his anaesthesia which Big Boy did not fuss about. I have never experienced a Vet who was so calm and so in charge with a big aggressive dog like my Big Boy. I waited in the waiting room for a few hours till he woke up from his surgery and was ready to go home with me. I felt such a relief to have found a Vet who was not afraid of working with my dog. Before I met Dr. Brown, I took Big Boy to my then regular Vet to get the staples taken out after his injury in his neck, I ended up taking them out myself because the Techs and Vets in the clinic would not and could not handle him. This year as the time approached for his annual shots and checkup, I tried to make an appointment with Dr. Brown. I was devastated when I found out that he was no longer at the practice. After doing a little research I found out that he has his own mobile service, So I gave him a call and left a message. I was delighted when he called me back the very same day and then made an appointment to see Big Boy for the next day. He came to my house where we decided that it was the best to take Big Boy on the porch for his shoots, not outside of the house where he does not feel comfortable. He was wearing his muzzle, and was trying to fight the stranger as he usually does. All of sat down outside and chatted. Dr. Brown took this time, he sat down and just petted Big Boy for almost an hour to calm him down. He finally did and Dr. Brown could give him his shoots, took his blood, checked his heart and whatever else needed to be done at that time. I have to say, at that moment I was the happiest person in the world to have found him again knowing, that if Big Boy needs his shots or any other treatment that I did not have to worry about being turned away or given lectures how aggressive my dog is. My dog did not asked to be hurt the way he was as a puppy! Dr. Brown was the only Vet I have seen who evaluated my dog on a case to case basis. I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders with the knowledge that Dr. Brown would come to my home to treat my pets. I think of Dr. Brown as the NEW DOG WHISPERER. I would recommend him to anybody, for their dogs or cats, no matter how big or small, but specifically for people who are afraid to take their dogs to the vets because of their behavorial issues. No dog should ever have to go without their shots or checkups. Now there is hope. Because I KNOW HOW IT IS WHEN YOUR PET IS STEREOTYPED, it hurts, because they have not what a wonderful dog Big Boy really is. Dr. Brown even recommended me a person who can come to the house and work with Big Boy, to see if we can get him to calm down around strangers. I don’t know if it will work, but I love my dog so much that I am willing to try so my Baby can enjoy a better quality life.”
– Ingrid in Smyrna, Georgia
“Dear Dr. Brown, I am so grateful to have found a vet like yourself, mainly because of your professional manner and the warmth that you exude for my animals, they are all so calm in your presence it is as if they are hypnotized. My cat Sheba whom I adore, is so obstreperous that everything and anything makes her feel threatened. When I took her to the vet because I knew she had some health problems, she was so aggressive that the vet had to anesthetize her in order to examine her. I knew then that neither she nor I would survive another trip. Sheba has hyperthyroidism and I was terrified of having her blood work done. Then we found you, and you came to our rescue. You spoke to her gently, you were kind, caring, compassionate & patient with her. I kept waiting to hear the usual hissing, howling and scratching, but to my surprise nothing happened. In no time you had enough blood to do the tests that were required. How wonderful not to have go through the stress of trying to get spitting, snarling Sheba into a carrier, then to listen to her cursing me all the way to the practice, watch her stress out while she is being examined, and then spend the next week with her being mad at me. Sheba was her normal self right after your examination, and meds are really working she is putting on weight and is a very happy and content cat. THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH for everything!”
– Lee in Duluth, Georgia